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Archived from the original on December 27, March 29, Archived from the original on October 30, Retrieved August 14, October 13, How-to Geek. April 8, Retrieved August 18, Retrieved July 27, Retrieved May 21, Archived from the original on April 6, A High-Precision Stopwatch for C. DIffer: a reusable C diffing utility and class library. Multi-threaded file download manager.
Detecting Application Idleness. Clipboard Image Archiver. Unicode compliant multilingual word breaker. JotNotes - post-it notes for your computer. Yet Another Class Generator. Comparison and synchronization tool using C. ActiveSync File Filter in C. Wildcard Manipulation for Text. Versioner: An AssemblyInfo version incrementer. Bookmark merger for Mozilla Firefox. Proper Threading in Winforms.
Windows Forms User Settings in C. A curtain hiding screen updates, and blending old and new content with a nice fade effect. Instantly Changing Language in the Form. Changing the background color of cells in a DataGrid. Sticky Windows - How to make your top-level forms to stick one to the other or to the screen.
The Favalias Application 1 Oct Favalias application enables you to manage your favorites web sites in an XML file and to launch your favorites application using aliases. You can also make your own addins in any. NET language to call your own code. Form appearance effect and notification window. NET Form. How to do Application Initialization while showing a SplashScreen.
This isn't an example on how to create a splash screen for your app. This article explains a clean way to encapsulate splash screen functionality into an inherited ApplicationContext class. This article also shows in detail what happens behind the scenes when a WinForm app starts. Save valuable screen space by hiding seldom used or insignificant controls on a WinForm. Runtime resizable controls! OSD window with animation effect, in C 25 May Extending the save file dialog class in.
Pre-beginner's guide to using a timer. Using configuration classes and simple implementation, this library allows your applications a flexible method of reporting errors that happen.
Access Parent Statusbar from a child. Non-transparent controls on a semi-transparent window. Gradient Forms - The Easy Way. Using a delegate to pass data between two forms.
Not Just Another Form Fader. Floating, collapsible transparent window in C. Using inheritance to create Windows Forms dialogs. Cute Splash Windows and About Boxes using. Reporting in Windows. Passing an Object between Two.
NET Windows Forms. Creating Custom Shaped Windows Forms in. Multi-monitor programming in C 21 Mar Form and Control Position and Size Utility.
XmlSerializer and 'not expected' Inherited Types 25 Oct A very simple XSLT test utility. Enumerate over XML data in a foreach loop. Demonstrates how to use C. XML forking in. NET Framework 1. Load and save objects to XML using serialization. Generate Classes From Declarative Code.
XPath - Elements and Attributes. Extract RSS feeds from Web pages. XML sub-tree processing in. AidaNet : Network resources inventory 8 Mar Vector Data Language Specification v1. Wrap the. This lightweight base class trivializes Xml Serialization and eliminates duplication in projects with multiple serializable classes. A Docking control that can be dragged and resized by the user. A Magical Edit Menu Manager. Extended Interface for Status Message.
MenuItem Extender - add images and font support to your menu. Almost Office - Getting rid of the margin in MenuItems. Improvement of the. NET Menu Style class. Office ToolStrip Renderer.
Extended Interface for Toolbars. Magic MenuControl - VS. NET Style. Unedited Reader Contributions. ToolStrip Custom Renderers. ButtonMenu - a. AutoSig: A browser helper object that automatically adds a different signature when you post a message to a CP forum. Calculating Christian Holidays. Convert date from Hijri Calendar to Gregorian Calendar and vise versa.
Custom ShortDate type struct: IComparable. Automating web browsing. Profiting from the WebForm designer generated code. To Remove Decimal From Price. A complete C Screensaver that does double-buffering on multiple monitor systems! Andrew's CodeProject Screen Saver.
Christian and James' Code Project Screensaver. A word-wise HTML text compare and merge engine. Conditional Replacement. Adding line numbers to text. Processing Command Line Arguments. Bulk String Comparison - Time Involved. LightBox Web Gallery Generator. Globalization of Windows Application in 20 Minutes using C. How to get Website Thumbnail in a C application without creating a forms.
Database Schema Comparison Utility. Integrate Windows Desktop Search 2. Testing file access rights in. An application to create interesting and fully customizable web photo gallery.
Skinned form playing Audio and OpenGL altogether. Automatic Sql server Backup Utility using sqlserveragent. An easy way to populate instances using generics. Counting PDF Pages using regular expressions. A Really Vain "How are my articles doing" web spider.
Csharp Image Selection Form. Simple Message Queue Manager. Writing custom attributes in C. Inter-Process Communication in. Work Queue based multi-threading.
Allows an application to queue work that is performed concurrently to the main thread while maintaining exception processing. Finite State Machine and Multithreading using.
NET multi-threading and communication between threads. Managing shared resource access in. NET multi-threading. Multithreading Concepts in C. Converting single threaded C class to multithreaded one.
Launching a process and displaying its standard output. Changing the default limit of 25 threads of ThreadPool class. Thread variables and the. NET thread pool. Creating your own thread pool in. Wait for threads in a ThreadPool object to complete. Cancellable Thread Pool. An abstraction layer for applications to intercept access between the application and threadpool, to better manage processing upon it.
Don't waste time! Synchronize your ThreadPool. Generic InvocationHelper. A generic class for providing thread-safe invocation of delegates.
Can be used for but not limited to updating GUI elements from another thread. Threading paradigms available under the. ThreadQueue -- A queue for threads that allows asynchronous execution and a time limit. PriorityLock - Release locks by priority. Sending parameters at thread startup. Idiot's Guide to Grid Computing I.
Asynchronous File IO using anonymous method. Real Multi-threading in. Improper Usage of Invoke 26 Jun This is a. A C implementation of the Twofish cipher. Evolution computations on C. A simpler C genetic algorithm. Genetics Dot Net - The Basics. Unicode Optical Character Recognition. Inference in Belief Networks. This tool analyses the IL of a list of assemblies, looking for types, methods, and fields that are not used by another list of assemblies.
This lets you see if you have unused legacy code lying around that should be cleaned up. Verhoeff Check Digit in C. NET Implementation. Fast statistical calculations of sub matrices for image processing. Combinatorial algorithms in C. Simple Parrot Turing Algorithm in C. Fortune's Voronoi algorithm implemented in C. One dimensional root finding algorithms. High Speed Prime Numbers Calculation.
Maze Solver shortest path finder. ArrayList Sort Tutorial. A Simple and Generic sorting technique for your business object collection. This article discusses sorting of a user defined collection object based on any of the properties of the business entity. Generic Quick Sort using anonymous methods. QuickSort Algorithm using Generics in C 2.
A SoundEx implementation in. An improvement on capturing similarity between strings. Aho-Corasick string matching in C. Boyer-Moore and related exact string matching algorithms. Implementing C custom expression evaluator through RPN. Word stemming for German on. An article on word stemming algorithm, implemented for German language on the.
NET framework. Fast, memory efficient Levenshtein algorithm. Combination Generator 12 Jun AI : Neural Network for beginners Part 1 of 3. AI : Neural Network for beginners Part 2 of 3. Self-Organizing Feature Maps Kohonen maps. Artificial intelligence network load balancing using Ant Colony Optimisation. Cribbage Hand Counting Library 4 Sep A reusable Prefix Tree using generics in C 2. Encrypt and Decrypt an string. GraphSynth - design, implement, and test graph grammars.
Create Postfix from infix experssion. Simulated Annealing example in C. Photometric Normalisation Algorithms. SuDoku Solver and Generator. DES implementation in C. Bind Nested Tree view from database. An Asynchronous Socket Server and Client. Asynchronous Socket Communications Using the. Asynchronous socket communication. XML Based Communication library. A very basic TCP server written in C.
A Simple. Create your own Web Server using C. An Introduction to Socket Programming in. EasySocket - Flexible and easy implementation of client-server architecture in C.
Sending Binary Data using Sockets. Protocol implementation. A word on asynchronous sockets. Peer Graph - Searching 6 Jan Command Line Emailer. Email Templates: A generic solution to handle template files.
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